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Monday, November 18, 2024

Sausage cream cheese croissant


Sausage cream cheese croissant


1 livre de saucisse moulue

1 package (8 oz) of cream cheese

2 boxes (8 oz each) of refrigerated roll dough

1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese (optional)


Preheating the oven:

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).

Saucisse Cook :

Dans une grande poêle à feu moyen, faites cuire la saucisse moulue jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit entièrement cuite, en la décomposant en petits morceaux pendant qu Égouttez tout excès de graisse.

Mix with cream cheese:

In a medium mixing bowl, combine the cooked sausage and grated cream cheese until well combined. If you desire it, fold it in grated cheddar.

Prepare the Crescent Rolls:

Roll out the roll dough and separate it into individual triangles.

Fill in the croissants:

Place a generous spoonful of the sausage and cream cheese mix on the wide end of each crescent triangle. Roll out the dough, starting at the wide end, and place the croissants on an ungreased baking sheet.


Bake in preheated oven for 11-13 minutes or until croissants are golden brown.

Servir :

Serve hot and enjoy!

Portions: 16


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